Anti Aging Tips and Tricks

Nobody wants to get old, but are there any simple yet practical things we can do that will at least slow down the march of time on our bodies and minds? 

Well yes there is – there is a remarkable scientific consensus as to what works.  So here is the list (simplified for the sake of brevity)

  • Use moisturiser and sunscreen daily
  • Cleanse and exfoliate the skin every night
  • VitaminA/retinol serums really work for wrinkles
  • Avoid cosmetics/facial products which contain – SLS, propylene glycol, PEG, dimethicone, parabens, artificial perfumes, artificial colours and triethanolamine amongst others
  • Take a chelated vitamin C supplement (helps to slow and even reverse the breakdown of collagen) – which leads to wrinkles and sagging.
  • Good sleep habits (8 hours per day – try to get to bed before 11pm)
  • Good diet – wheat germ oil, eggs, lots of dark green vegetables, avoid sugars, nuts (walnuts are very good for the heart),oily fish etc.  Don’t fry food and try to avoid processed food.  Purple foods are brilliant.  Stop eating when the stomach is 80% full.  Take 1000 iu of vitamin D each day – there is research indicates it may even kill cancer.
  • Stay active – try to balance on one leg every day – 10 seconds per side x 3.  One of the strongest predictors of aging is aweakening thigh muscles.
  • Nap 10 minutes per day if possible.
  • Laugh every day.
  • Have sex!!!  The research indicates that once a day is the optimum.
  • Socially connection is important.